This is the Placement system used by the International Program at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Once you have logged into Sonia Online, your School homepage will become active. From here you can access information relating to your Placement including:

  • your placement details;
  • forms and information for mandatory requirements;
  • reminders and important dates;
  • electronic forms;
  • facility information;
  • selecting placement group preferences;
  • uploading and viewing documentation.

Student Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of each student to ensure their mandatory documents are current and that the originals are available for sighting on request from UniSC or Placement Staff.

This database is a ‘work in progress’ – you may still need to check Canvas for additional information, and some facility information may be provided via additional emails. If you believe any of the content is incorrect please contact the placement coordinator.

Login to Sonia Online

To login to Sonia Online:

Select your role
(i.e. Student / Site / Supervisor)

  • Student: University Sign In
  • Site Contact: Username and Password
  • Supervisor: University Sign In (for UniSC employees), Username and Password (for external employees)

Sonia for Students App

Download the Sonia for Students App:

Apple iTunes for IOS
Google Play for Android

Sonia for Students App instructional video

Sonia Support

For technical support:
