Click on each button below for more information about how to obtain the relevant check.
Blue Card
Apply for a new card or link your existing card to UniSC. (Note: it is highly recommended that you apply for a Combined Blue Card and NDIS Worker Screening card if you do not currently hold either of these. A combined card is valid for 5 years and you will therefore not be required to renew these during the course of your program).
First Aid and CPR
To be eligible to attend your placement, you are required to hold a current CPR and First Aid certificate.
National Police Check (Australian Federal Police - Purpose Check 37)
Police Check applications can take up to 6 weeks to be processed. NB. Only Australian Federal Police certificates with Purpose Type 37 are accepted.
NDIS Worker Screening Card
To be eligible for placement you must hold a valid NDIS Worker Screening Card or valid Yellow Card. (Note: it is highly recommended that you apply for a Combined Blue Card and NDIS Worker Screening card if you do not currently hold either of these. A combined card is valid for 5 years and you will there not be required to renew these during the course of your program).
UniSC Code of Conduct
To be eligible to attend placement, you must complete the UniSC Code of Conduct by reading the document and agreeing by submitting the electronic form. This is a per-placement requirement.
UniSC Student Placement Agreement Forms
The Student Placement Agreement (SPA) consists of two mandatory electronic forms completed in your Sonia Online account before you attend your placement.
- Placement Disclosure Statement (Disclosing Health Conditions):
Available within 8 weeks of the first group commencing (as per the placement calendar). Only one placement disclosure statement is required per enrolment.
- Placement Details Agreement:
Available 1–2 weeks before placement commencing (per placement requirement).
You will receive an email when a Student Placement Agreement has been added to your Sonia Online > Forms.
Vaccination Evidence
All required vaccinations must be complete prior to placement. Vaccinations can take up to 12 months to complete the full vaccination courses.
Annual Influenza Vaccination
Evidence of an annual influenza vaccination is required each year, when the new vaccine becomes available. This is usually in March or April. Please wait until the new strain is available each year before you have another vaccine.
PrePlace is a series of three online modules located on Canvas that you must complete once, prior to your placement. Enrolment to PrePlace is an automated process, so is directly related to your course enrolment. If you are not yet officially enrolled in a placement course, the auto process cannot be triggered. Once you enrol in your placement course the process will happen overnight and PrePlace will then be available to you.
QHealth Allied Health Training Record
Allied Health students are required to complete the training form for each placement. If you are required to complete this training form for your placement, it will appear in Sonia Online. This will only show up if it is mandatory for you.
iLearn Training Modules
You must complete all 6 x iLearn modules. Please follow the instructions in the iLearn module FAQ to create an iLearn account. Once your account is confirmed, complete the required modules and upload each certificate into Sonia Online under the Checks tab.
Queensland Health Orientation Checklist and Queensland Health Student Deed Poll
A Queensland Health Student Orientation Checklist AND a Queensland Health Deed Poll must be completed for each placement. You will receive an email from the Fit for Placement team 2 weeks prior to your Qld Health Placement with instructions on how to complete these requirements and upload them into Sonia Online.
Respirator Fit Testing
It is a Queensland Government requirement that all students attending any placement in a health setting, clinical setting and residential aged care setting, are required to undertake respirator (mask) fit testing prior to commencing.
TB Screening
To be eligible for placement you must complete a Queensland Health TB Risk Assessment. If required, you also need to provide evidence of further testing.
SCHHS Site Specific Pre-Placement Requirements
Students attending a Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service facility will need to complete all Student Minimum Pre-Placement Requirements which are SCHHS site specific checks and the SC-Learning on Line (SC-LoL) training modules. You will be notified by the Fit for Placement Office if you are required to complete these mandatories. You must complete and print all documents and take to your first day of placement. Failure to have these documents will result in you being removed from placement.
SC-LOL Training Modules
You will receive an email from the Fit for Placement Office approximately 4 weeks prior to your start date of your Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service placement. This will include instructions on how to complete your SC-LOL Training Modules, iLearn Training Modules and your Student Minimum Requirements Form.
COVID-19 Vaccination Evidence
Some placement host organisations may still require COVID-19 vaccination now or in the future. If you are not fully vaccinated, it is important to know that placement opportunities in this program may be limited.
Log into Sonia Online > Checks tab and follow the instructions to upload your COVID-19 vaccination evidence.
Hand Hygiene Certificate
Some placement host organisations may require students to obtain the hand hygiene certificate. You will be notified by the Fit for Placement Office if you are required to complete this mandatory.